
Bleeding Gums? No Thanks! How to Get Gum Health on Track



Let’s face it, when your gums aren’t happy, it can make life miserable. Sore, bleeding gums are no fun and can really put a damper on things like enjoying your morning coffee or simply smiling wide without wincing. If you’ve been dealing with gum issues like ulcers, soreness, pain, or bleeding, you’re probably desperate for some relief.

As someone who has been through the torture of gum problems myself, I feel your pain (literally). The good news is, there are some effective treatment options and preventative measures you can take to get your gums back into tip-top shape. The experts at Emergency Dentist London Pro have years of experience treating all sorts of gum afflictions, so they know just how to get you out of gum misery.

What Causes Gum Hell in the First Place?

There are a few potential culprits behind sore, painful, bleeding gums. Gum disease like gingivitis or periodontitis is often the main offender, caused by lack of proper oral hygiene allowing plaque and tartar buildup. However, other factors can also inflame and aggravate those sensitive gum tissues:

  • Rough brushing technique or hard-bristled toothbrush
  • Ill-fitting dentures or dental appliances
  • Chemotherapy/radiation treatment
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Hormonal changes (hello pregnancy gum issues!)
  • Periodontal diseases
  • Diabetes

Dealing with Gum Ulcers, Soreness and Pain

Mouth ulcers are the worst – it literally feels like you have tiny open wounds in your mouth. For treating ulcers and general gum soreness/pain, some home remedies can provide relief:

  • Saltwater rinses
  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication
  • Avoiding hard, crunchy, spicy or acidic foods that may further irritate

Your dentist may also recommend an antimicrobial mouth rinse to help heal ulcers and combat any underlying infections or gum disease. The hygienists at Emergency Dentist London Pro are experts at evaluating your gum situation and getting you on the right treatment plan.

For Painful Bleeding Gums

If your sensitive gums and teeth are bleeding when brushing or flossing, get thee to a dentist! Bleeding gums are a sign that something isn’t right, whether it’s gum disease, vitamin deficiency, or an ill-fitting dental appliance. Don’t ignore bleeding gums, as that can allow gum disease to progress.

Your dentist can get to the root of what’s causing your gum bleeding and develop a treatment plan, which may involve:

  • Prescription mouth rinses
  • Scaling and root planing to remove plaque/tartar
  • Adjusting dental appliances
  • Vitamin supplements
  • Switching medications
  • Gum surgery for advanced periodontitis

The dental professionals at Emergency Dentist London Pro utilize the latest techniques for gum bleeding treatment, like advanced laser procedures.

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For Sensitive Teeth and Gums

If you have sensitive teeth and gums that make things like eating ice cream or really hot foods difficult, your pain could be caused by:

  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Exposed root surfaces
  • Gum recession
  • Periodontal diseases

Using a desensitizing toothpaste can help re-mineralize exposed areas and block pain signals. Your dentist may also recommend fluoride treatments to strengthen enamel. Emergency Dentist London Pro offers customized treatment plans to properly manage sensitive teeth and gums.

Stop Gum Disease Before It Becomes Serious

The key with any gum bleeding causes and treatment is to catch and treat it early before it turns into full-blown periodontal disease. Gum disease is nasty stuff – if left unchecked it can literally start destroying the bone and tissues supporting your teeth, leading to tooth loss and some pretty intense dental work.

That’s why it’s so important to keep up with regular cleanings and checkups at your dentist, even if your gums seem okay for the moment. Your dental hygienist can spot early signs of gingivitis and other gum problems, and provide gum pain treatment to reverse it before periodontal disease takes hold.

At Emergency Dentist London Pro, their dental cleanings aren’t just a casual scrub – their hygienists thoroughly examine your gums, measuring pocket depths and checking for inflammation, bleeding, and signs of disease. This vigilant monitoring allows gum conditions to get treated at the earliest possible stage.

The Nutrition Connection

What you eat can also play a huge role in keeping your gums healthy and problem-free. If your diet is lacking in certain vitamins and nutrients, your gums are going to let you know about it! Getting enough vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, and antioxidants from fruits and veggies helps strengthen gum tissue and thwart bacterial infections.

The team at Emergency Dentist London Pro can provide guidance on which foods and supplements may be beneficial for boosting your painful bleeding gums treatment, gum health, healing gum ulcers or irritation, and preventing future issues. A balanced diet full of gum-nourishing foods goes hand-in-hand with good oral hygiene for optimal gum wellness.

The Gum-Line

Don’t suffer from painful, irritated gums a minute longer! Whether it’s ulcers, bleeding, soreness or sensitivity, get the bleeding gum prevention London and get on a treatment plan. With a little TLC and better oral hygiene habits, you can get your gum health back on track and kiss that gum misery goodbye. The caring and knowledgeable team at Emergency Dentist London Pro will have you smiling wide with complete gum confidence again in no time.

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