Email Marketing

Best Tips To Prevent Your Emails From Ending up in the Spam



Marketers spend lots of time crafting engaging subject lines, creating beautiful email templates, and writing captivating emails. It would be a shame if after all the work put in, our clients did not receive it and it ended up as spam.

Email deliverability is how quickly an email gets to the recipient’s mailbox. Mail delivery rates may be reduced when emails bounce or are automatically filtered to a spam folder.

How to avoid your emails is it ending up in spam?

Let’s start with the basics and learn what is the definition of an email marketing strategy? Now you can avoid ending up your email in spam by following the tips below.

Don’t buy or rent a database

You can rent or buy email lists, but it is not an effective practice. This is not only a dirty tactic, it also violates the terms of service of your email provider.

These people aren’t aware of it, and they most likely don’t want to be contacted by you.

Avoid using video, Flash, or JavaScript

Most clients cannot view rich media, such as video or Flash. Use an image of the video player with a play button that links to rich media on a webpage.

JavaScript and other dynamic scripts are not allowed to run by most spam filters, so you should avoid them.

Do not embed forms or attach attachments

Due to security concerns, forms are not compatible with emails. In the body of your message, you can place a link or a button that will take users to a page with a contact form.

If you’re sending a Word or PDF document to your recipients, do not attach it to the email. Otherwise, spam filters will block the message.

Upload the attachment on your website, and then link to it in your email with an effective call to action button.

Use of spam trigger words is not recommended

You can avoid spam filters by choosing carefully the words that you put in your subject line. It’s a good rule to follow: If the word sounds like it would be used by a car salesman, then it is probably a spam trigger. 

You should familiarize yourself as soon as possible with the terms and tricks used by spammers. Before launching your campaign, make sure you run the spam test to ensure that it is adequate.

Don’t bombard your recipients with email

We don’t like being bombarded by emails every day or on a very frequent basis. It can be a turn-off and overwhelm your recipient. They may mark it as spam.

We often think that multiple impacts will increase conversions. In reality, it does the opposite. It’s the same when we receive the same ads over and over again.

Use alt text to describe your images

Most clients block images automatically. When someone opens your message, images will not load until they click on a button or change the default settings.

Alt text helps your recipients understand your message, even if they cannot see your images. It is particularly bad when you use a picture as a call to action.

Keep your email short and sweet

Spam filters will also flag excessive copies. In addition, people prefer emails that are concise and clear. Why make your inbox even more crowded? Everyone is busy, and it’s already a mess.

Writing like a person is a great way to keep your messages short. Talking to them as if you were talking to a real person will make them feel more relevant.

Check the reputation of an IP address

The deliverability of emails is heavily dependent on your IP address. Your emails will be less likely to reach the inbox of recipients if you use a bad IP address.

Keep up-to-date on the latest technologies and laws

Staying on top of the latest developments in email marketing will help you to stay on top of best practices, as well as legal requirements.

Check with the legal department of your company or an attorney you trust to ensure that the information is within the bounds of the law.

Need more tips and tricks or email marketing services? Contact us today.

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